Friday, August 14, 2009


What is PMS?
'Pak Mail Sayang?'
Because my husband's name is Mail
And of course I love him.
But this is about woman's problem
'Pre Menstrual syndrome'
I want to tell a story which happen long time ago(30 years ago), whe I was in form 4.
I still remember one day, it was that time of the month. My ustazah asked me to recite Quraan, but you are not allow to recite Quraan or solat during that time. So I told ustazah that I couldn't recite. One of my class mates(quite naughty) named Madi heard me and marked the date on his calender.
When I was young, I always got PMS. One of them was stomach cramp. My form teacher named Pn Tan showed me a tablet and told me to take it if I didn't feel comfortable. But Madi overheard her and he made a lot of noise. He said that he was going to tell everybody that I took contraceptive pill if I didn't tell him the truth. To stop him, I tolh him that the tablet was actually for a 'PERIOD' pain. Actually he didn't know what PERIOD was, and he knew the truth only after a bit of explaining from me.
Then he used that as a weapon to atck me and other girls. From that day, when that time of the month came, Madi made some remark like 'eh, nanti PERIOD ke 3 ada apa?', 'PERIOD ke 8, perlu ke pergi makmal' and a lot more 'PERIOD', PERIOD' AND PERIOD'. Are you guys these days as naughty as him?
After all these years, I thought I am over PMS already. But this month I felt so moody and my back really ache. Forunately, this only happen for 2 days only.
When women got PMS, they are not themselves. It is the hormon that derive the women crazy and acted wierder than usual. So, men please get prepare to deal with women in your lives having PMS.

1 comment:

  1. still remember, eh??
    Nakal betul!!
    dan kita pun sama!
